您现在的位置:首页 >> 产品中心 >> 19461188伟德国际 >> ARD系列智能马达保护器 >> ARD2ARD过载电动机保护器推荐厂家


  • 更新时间:  2024-09-02
  • 产品型号:  ARD2
  • 简单描述
  • ARD过载电动机保护器推荐厂家能对电动机运行过程中出现的起动超时、过载、断相、不平衡、欠载、接地/漏电、阻塞、短路、外部故障等多种情况进行保护,并设有 SOE 故障事件记录功能,方便现场维护人员查找故障原因。适用于煤矿、石化、冶炼、电力、船舶、以及民用建筑等领域。本保护器具有 RS485 远程通讯接口,DC4~20mA 模拟量输出,方便与 PLC、PC 等控制机

安科瑞 师晴晴

1. 概述 Overview

ARD2/ARD2L 系列智能电动机保护器(以下简称保护器)能对电动机运行过程中出现的起动超时、过载、断 相、不平衡、欠载、接地/漏电、阻塞、短路、外部故障等多种情况进行保护,并设有 SOE 故障事件记录功能, 方便现场维护人员查找故障原因。适用于煤矿、石化、冶炼、电力、船舶、以及民用建筑等领域。本保护器具 有 RS485 远程通讯接口,DC4~20mA 模拟量输出,方便与 PLC、PC 等控制机组成网络系统。实现电动机运行的远 程监控。 Smart Motor Protector ARD2 Series (hereinafter referred to as Protector) can protect the motor from timeout startup,  overload, phase failure, unbalance, under-load, earth leakage, blocking,short circuit, external fault and other  abnormalities during the running and provide the SOE fault event recorder to help maintenance stuff find causes. It is  applicable for coal mines, petrochemical industry, metallurgical industry, power industry,shipping, civil building and  other fields. It is equipped with the RS485 remote communication interface and the DC4-20mA analog output, which is  convenient to form a network system together with control machines like PLC and PC to realize the remote monitoring  of motor.

2 产品型号 Product type




■ 起动超时保护 Starting overtime protection 

■ 过载保护 Overload Protection 

■ 欠载保护 Underload Protection 

■ 断相保护 Phase failure protection 

■ 不平衡保护 Unbalance protection

■ tE时间保护 tE time protection (适用于增安型电动机)(suitable for safety-increased motor) 对于增安型电动机,交流绕组在最高环境温度下达到额定运行稳定温度后,从开始通过堵转电流时记起,- 74 - 直至上升到极限温度所需的时间即为 tE时间。增安型电机的 tE时间通常由电机制造商提供,用户可以在电机铭 牌上找到该数据。 提供堵转时在tE时间内断开电动机电源的热过载保护,仅在电动机起动完成后投入,带有独 立的延时计时 器。tE保护特征曲线动作延时对照表如表 22 所示,曲线图如下图所示。 After the AC winding reaches the rated operation stable temperature at maximum ambient temperature for  safety-increased motors, the desired time from the beginning of locked-rotor current to the time rising to limiting  temperature is tE. The tE time of safety-increased motors is usually provided by the motor manufacturers, and users can  find the data on the motor nameplate.  When providing locked-rotor and within the tE time, disconnect the thermal overload protection of electric motor,  only after the motor starting is completed, the independent delay timer can be applied. Delay timer with independencetE protection characteristic curve action delay table shown in Table 22, and curve diagram as shown below.


说明: tEp:7 倍额定电流时允许堵转时间;IA:堵转电流;Ie:电动机额定电流。 tE protection delay and locked-rotor current ratio IAII.'s current-time characteristic curve tEp: Allow locked-rotor time when under 7 times rated current; IA: locked-rotor current; Ie: rated current of motor.

ARD过载电动机保护器推荐厂家 ARD过载电动机保护器推荐厂家


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